市面上並無肥缺, 全職如此, 兼職更甚... ... post 出嚟真係俾人知道吓.
Dear all,
To cope for our business expansion, we are looking for more Part-time Mystery Shopper. You are invited to refer your friend(s) and/or relative(s) to apply for the post. The interested parties could either send their application with CV to us by themselves or via you by fax: xxxx xxxx or by email:
[email protected]. We would approach them for further arrangement when we received their applications. We would approach applicants directly for those meet with our requirement.
Please advise the interested parties to mark your name and the relationship on the application. If it is omitted, the application would not be considered.
F.5 graduated with working experience.
Thank you for your attention.
工作主要係到指定商舖/商場秘密地記錄, 錄音. 事件將有關資料上載到指定server; 講明先, 好瑣碎, 可能成個月都無發市(派唔到嘢做), 每次幾十至兩三舊水(用上網及出吓街都有人津貼的心態做就無問題, 想要搵錢就難). 每月約收二至四舊(濫接會痴線)
註: 呢種工個性質唔適宜周圍揚(有關機構已表明)