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標題: 無言感激 [打印本頁]

作者: Terence    時間: 2010-1-31 23:35     標題: 無言感激

myron終於奪得乒總首座獎盃. 回想一年前myron剛轉打長膠, 周邊壓力絕對不少, 練習長膠又遇到不少困難, 成績不單不進步, 反而大倒退, 亦曾經有過放棄念頭. 當時, 幸好身邊友好鼓勵, 才得以支持下去... 一直下來, 練習長膠所下之苦功絕對比學反膠來得艱辛, 學習時打不到的失望, 比賽時任人魚肉之嘲笑, 對一個只有十三歲之小朋友真是太沈重了
今日myron得到肯定, 除了他本身努力外, 本人衷心多謝两個人, ---- 今日此两人都見證左myron既成績..
James007大哥, 若非你當曰鼓勵, myron絕達不到今日之成績, 今曰你能抽空觀看myron比賽, 一切儘在不言中...C Fu 多謝你!!!
另一位是乒域Sam哥, 若非你之支持, myron亦不會改打長膠, 今日更多謝你坐左成日教練席, 希望myron重投乒域大家庭後, 可以為乒域作出少少貢獻, 以報當曰鼓勵之恩..
另外仲有好多好多人... 如然仔(啓蒙長胶老師), uncle chung, moming, 馮林, 鄧林, 偉裕各兄弟, 薈聚各兄弟....
Thank you very much!!
作者: 粒仔輝    時間: 2010-1-31 23:47

作者: james007    時間: 2010-1-31 23:47

Wow, I really don't deserve that kind of credit.  I am very happy for Myron and for you to see Myron's improvement and 成績.  As a parent myself, I can totally understand the pressure and joy to see our kid's accomplishment.  Both of you could have easily given up on table tennis a year ago when things were not going so great for Myron.  But it was your believe in your son and Myron's hard work that made it all worth while now.    Your dedication to your son is a great example for me to follow for my daughter is going to be 5 years old soon and I just hope I can be as didicated to her as you are to Myron.

[ 本帖最後由 james007 於 2010-2-1 00:02 編輯 ]
作者: Terence    時間: 2010-2-1 00:01

希望你同囡囡日後一同享受乒球樂趣. 打下波, 食下嘢, 吹下水, 多的享受親子樂.
作者: james007    時間: 2010-2-1 00:04

I will love for her to learn table tennis too.
作者: Topgun    時間: 2010-2-1 00:06

Myron is a really good player now, he improved himself a lot and can be a superstar one day, one of the reason is becuase of you = Terence.   Keep going --> Myron.
作者: james007    時間: 2010-2-1 00:09

原帖由 貓貓 ~ 馬拉松 於 2010-2-1 00:05 發表
let me high light this post....
功榮最大其實永遠是 Daddy
Haha, I agree 100% with you on this...but I think my wife thinks otherwise
作者: Terence    時間: 2010-2-1 00:10

myron can teach her too.
作者: james007    時間: 2010-2-1 00:10

原帖由 貓貓 ~ 馬拉松 於 2010-2-1 00:06 發表

Ching Mui Joke Ma???
作者: Terence    時間: 2010-2-1 00:11

原帖由 Topgun 於 2010-2-1 00:06 發表
Myron is a really good player now, he improved himself a lot and can be a superstar one day, one of the reason is becuase of you = Terence.   Keep going --> Myron.
Thank you Gun Gor. 遠方來賀, 謝謝!!!
作者: 00夢00    時間: 2010-2-1 09:29

恭喜myron, 繼續努力
作者: (=^x^=)    時間: 2010-2-1 11:28

還記得兩年半前, 論壇啱啱成立, 我首次見 myron 仔是在乒工廠的球局, 當時 myron 球技仲好幼苗...后來 myron 仔參與我們大大小小的月賽, 不要說 win, 基本上線都出唔到. 每次都是下線. 后來 myron 仔入了偉魚, 但成績還未見突出. 及后他轉了長膠, 很多人認為年青人不應咁快打長膠, 因為長膠要出頭真的不容易, 而且用長膠win了波, 會有好多人閒語閒言. (我自己都聽唔少). 直至前年在順利村打月賽, myron 仔仍然未上位. 后來, 但myron 沒有因此而放棄長膠, 之后因為種種原因, myron 小出現於 hkttf, 在其它地方秘密習訓. 一年后, 再來打himson 杯. 眼前的myron 仔已脫胎換骨, 雖然因為比賽細分而不能出線, 但在himson 杯那次的下線比賽則天下無敵. 今天看見myron 仔能在丁組取得好成績, 感到為長膠爭了一口氣. 而且也深深 偑服 terence的付出.
作者: 高吊小弧圈    時間: 2010-2-22 21:16

作者: 小馬    時間: 2010-2-22 21:26

係ar   sam哥真係very 好人

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