原帖由 james007 於 2008-4-1 10:06 發表
May I start an english forum since I don't know how to type chinese at all....thanks...
原帖由 james007 於 2008-4-1 10:06 發表
May I start an english forum since I don't know how to type chinese at all....thanks...
原帖由 james007 於 2008-4-1 10:17 發表
My chinese is limited to only talking and reading....my writing has been given back to my teacher many many years ago lu....liness" />
原帖由 44_66 於 2008-4-1 11:09 發表
其實我份工都吾洗 中文打字架 , 就係要同老佛爺上網吹水迫出黎的 , 開頭用手寫板 , 典之鬧交 吾夠人快 (哈哈哈) , 卒之老佛爺教我用速成 , 辛苦左半年到就開始上手喇
原帖由 (=^x^=) 於 2008-4-1 13:21 發表
半天沒上網, 007 個blog 比人吹爆....點樣個 logo ok 唔 ok, 唔 Ok 可以改架.....你看我多重視你, 你一話要做 Logo, 昨天我唔睡都幫你做好.
原帖由 (=^x^=) 於 2008-4-2 00:06 發表
yes.....quality is more important than quantity
but we don't mind "Blow Water" in 吹水區, 但有些會員未能分清吹水, 與不吹水區之分別.....所以我久不久會將一些水蒸發
原帖由 james007 於 2008-4-1 10:06 發表
May I start an english forum since I don't know how to type chinese at all....thanks...
原帖由 <I>james007</I> 於 2008-7-3 03:35 發表 <A href="http://hkttf.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=104009&ptid=6378" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://hkttf.com/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> Something just happened to me that I thought would never happened to me!!! After finished packing all the stuffs for my trip to the US tomorrow, I looked at my ...
原帖由 <I>james007</I> 於 2008-7-3 13:28 發表 <A href="http://hkttf.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=104232&ptid=6378" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://hkttf.com/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> Haha....I went to the US consulate this morning at 8:30am and found out they do allow 5 walk-ins per day and I was like walk-in #4. So I got in and at first the lady told me it would take 10 days to ...
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