唔係新鮮事,馬龍响09年世錦賽同亞錦賽都被判咗幾個,問題都係球離手後唔夠16厘米.睇翻馬龍06年出道係冇個波跟住隻手上升嗰段,08年改咗後就不時被判,睇來喺裁判個角度睇隻手跟住去好容易造成唔夠高嘅印象,另外呢個發球動作不時出現掂到鼻、波衫嘅情況, no good.
2.06.02 The server shall then project the ball near vertically upwards, without imparting spin, so that it rises at least 16cm after leaving the palm of the free hand and then falls without touching anything before being struck.
2.06.05 As soon as the ball has been projected, the server’s free arm and hand shall be removed from the space between the ball and the net.
The space between the ball and the net is defined by the ball, the net and its indefinite upward extension.