Alberluk and jerry ......你們在那 我們等了你一個早上 作者: love 時間: 2015-6-24 13:10 標題: 回復 34# 的帖子
Hi Mao, I am Jerry. I think you have blocked my previous account, but I understand, it was my fault... First of all, I am extremely sorry for not attending the tournament...... Really sorry... I was planning to come, but last week I had to go to mainland China, and I thought I could come back by the tournament time, therefore I did not remove my name from the list. I did not know that I could not come back to Hong Kong for the tournament until Friday, but I forgot to tell you my situation in the first instance due to other things. However, I did try to tell you that I could not come anymore on Saturday morning, but somehow I could not access my account due to IP address reasons.... And I did not know your telephone number, so I could not tell you that I could not come anymore on the day... The first thing I came back to Hong Kong was to tell you my situation, but my account was being blocked... I must say I am very very sorry to have kept all of you waiting for so long... I am so so so sorry... 作者: (=^x^=) 時間: 2015-6-24 13:26
Jerry , 沒錯我封閉了你的戶口,但只是七天七天後你可以自由活動,我們比賽很重視 what u say, what we see. 因為比賽名額有限,既然你報了名我們便留位給你,名額滿了想報名的人我們會拒絕,因為場地有限乒乓球枱有限人數必須有限,否則便人多台小等多個打。我們唔介意任何報名人士臨時退出,但我們希望如果退出可以告訴我們一聲,假如真的來不及通知不了,我們也希望你們事后主動說一聲sorry,比賽當天有兩位沒來,我也發了短訊給你們,其中一位對我說不好意思我記錯時間,我回答他不緊要下次再來玩,而我一直沒有收到你的回覆,可能你是忘記,可能你是來不到,也可能有更重要的是等着你,我們只是簡單的希望收到一個通知,這是論壇一直以來堅守的核心價值,我最近曾經參與旺角球局,結果我突然來不到,我立即透過短信通知主持人同時通知朋友代我付錢,雖然我是論壇管理員但是這些規矩必須一視同仁我不享有特權,當然這次比賽你不需付錢給我們,你的戶口也會在七天後釋放,我們只希望你緊記如果你報了活動請準時出席,如果不能出席也請盡量通知,如果不能通知日在事後補說sorry. 我們十分開心及感謝你上來解釋,這只是小事忘記吧,歡迎隨時再join 我們活動。 作者: (=^x^=) 時間: 2015-6-24 13:27
Jerry , take it easy. Look forward to seeing u again ^^ 作者: love 時間: 2015-6-24 13:32 標題: 回復 37# 的帖子
I released TT account and added 50 mark for u
Reason is
I appreciate yr explanation
很多小朋友報了名不來便不來不解釋不說話不面對 作者: (=^x^=) 時間: 2015-6-24 13:35
原帖由 love 於 2015-6-24 13:32 發表