I am such an Absent Minded person.
Something just happened to me that I thought would never happened to me!!! <IMG alt="" src="http://www.hkttf.com/images/smilies/default/sweat.gif" border=0 smilieid="184"> After finished packing all the stuffs for my trip to the US tomorrow, I looked at my US passport and was horrified to see that it has been expired for over one year. Since the US embassy will not take walk-ins, the earliest appointment I could make is July 8th. That means I will have to wait at least 2 weeks b4 I can get my passport renewed and most likely I will miss my best friend's wedding which is the main reason I am going back to the US in the first place. Now I feel like <IMG alt="" src="http://www.hkttf.com/images/smilies/default/banghead.gif" border=0 smilieid="195"> over and over again....<IMG alt="" src="http://www.hkttf.com/images/smilies/default/cry.gif" border=0 smilieid="197"> <IMG alt="" src="http://www.hkttf.com/images/smilies/default/cry.gif" border=0 smilieid="197"> <IMG alt="" src="http://www.hkttf.com/images/smilies/default/cry.gif" border=0 smilieid="197">