
【Notice】English Post

yes i am one of the member (or the only one) study in England
good to have english corner in here.. easier for typing liness" />

actually mao mao, do u need assistance for this section i can help =]


原帖由 joel_25 於 2009-5-12 07:26 發表
yes i am one of the member (or the only one) study in England
good to have english corner in here.. easier for typing liness" />liness" />

actually mao mao, do u need assistance for this section ...
That's great , may be you can help all of us to improve our Eng. language level.

I am the one of the old man in here want to learn more ( but don't disremember to upgrade your table tennis

technique as well too )
蔣彭龍 9mm + Andro / Roxon 450


原帖由 joel_25 於 2009-5-12 07:26 發表
yes i am one of the member (or the only one) study in England
good to have english corner in here.. easier for typing liness" />liness" />

actually mao mao, do u need assistance for this section ...
Although, I have not been studying in oversea, my suggestions for the above sentences are as follows::
1 study > studying 2 corner (delete in)  here 3 Frankly, Mao Mao, do you need any assistance for this section?


Good morning, everybody. It is a funny topic. I support it!!


Good morning, everyone..

逢星期四 8:00-11:00pm 歌和老街室內運動塲


Good morning everybody............have a nice day!!


回復 27# 的帖子

May I add some supplements: 2.1) focus on the point of contact and 2.2) concentrate the power when hitting th ball.


原帖由 jlamlam 於 2009-5-12 09:24 發表

Although, I have not been studying in oversea, my suggestions for the above sentences are as follows::
1 study > studying 2 corner (delete in)  here 3 Frankly, Mao Mao, do you need any assistanc ...
OF COURSE ......you know my English is "GUN"   i need a lot of HELP from you


原帖由 jlamlam 於 2009-5-12 09:24 發表

Although, I have not been studying in oversea, my suggestions for the above sentences are as follows::
1 study > studying 2 corner (delete in)  here 3 Frankly, Mao Mao, do you need any assistanc ...
thanks, but i juz want to ask are we correcting every single grammar and in what way?
because i don't think ppl will say frankly in general conversation, it is pretty formal to me


原帖由 joel_25 於 2009-5-12 16:41 發表

thanks, but i juz want to ask are we correcting every single grammar and in what way?
because i don't think ppl will say frankly in general conversation, it is pretty formal to me
Pls refer to post 3 for your question.
Originally, I want to write "Frankly speaking" to replace your word "actually", because it does not make sense in your sentence. It seems it is a typical "Chinese English". I just want to use one word to replace one word that makes sense.


原帖由 jlamlam 於 2009-5-12 17:49 發表

Pls refer to post 3 for your question.
Originally, I want to write "Frankly speaking" to replace your word "actually", because it does not make sense in your sentence. It seems it is a typical " ...
okok, i apologise for my bad english..
jlamlam must be an english teacher then!!


i don't know if jlamlam is an english teacher, i just know his TT skill is excellent......HUGE DRAGON KILLER


回復 22# 的帖子

Good to have English errors here!
So much fun!


回復 35# 的帖子

Sorry... I meant English corner.... it was what I meant really... hehehehe... my English is such so very much poor.


I am in support of developing an English corner but I cannot concur with the proposal to add points for those who pinpointed others grammatical or spelling mistakes.  Don't make it a forum of which only formal English is allowed.  This will be boring and discourage people who are not so good in English to give a response here.

We never correct 44_66's misuse of Chinese and we sometimes see it funny and interesting.  Why should we impose a different standard in the English corner?
  • Cola +10 非常贊同 2009-5-12 22:36


原帖由 nganhot2 於 2009-5-12 22:30 發表
I am in support of developing an English corner but I cannot concur with the proposal to add points for those who pinpointed others grammatical or spelling mistakes.  Don't make it a forum of which on ...


原帖由 nganhot2 於 2009-5-12 22:30 發表
I am in support of developing an English corner but I cannot concur with the proposal to add points for those who pinpointed others grammatical or spelling mistakes.  Don't make it a forum of which on ...
You have a very good insight!
Indeed, forum is just a place for us to relax.  I don't think it's necessary to express our idea in an extremely formal way.


回復 30# 的帖子

Actually, people may say frankly when they are being less than frank... the same way people say honestly when they are being less than honest. In my humble opinion, words such as frankly and honestly are all fine, as long as one is using them correctly.


原帖由 (=^x^=) 於 2009-5-11 21:12 發表
of course la....but my grammer is not good enough, if anyone makes any mistakes, welcome to correct it!!
me too ar


回復 37# 的帖子

True. Very true.
I am afraid I'd like to make a point to differentiate between formal and correct. Not being formal is one thing, not being correct is another thing. One can at least be correct without being formal, I guess.

