原帖由 necky 於 2013-5-1 23:59 發表
1,我在回貼中提到2個國家名 - 有 ...
1,我在回貼中提到2個國家名 - 有可能因觸及到某些國際政治題目而引至社會不安;
2,我的回貼中有提到歷史中的侵略殺人 - 有機會因內文太血腥而引起小朋友的不安;
3,回文語調文法太像某位名人發言 - 可能會因此比人告侵犯版權,為了保護我及給小小忠告而作出的結果;
pls advise link again
4,公告板已快滿了而我又回文 - 浪費資源又影響到跟隨的人發言;
不明白 again, pls provide link
5,我的回文在敏感的題目上 - 在不應出現的題目上回文;
不明白 again, pls provide link
6,國有國法村有村規 - 在村上地主有權作任何決定而不需理由;
7,我的回文不在地主的已有答案範圍內 - 沒跟隨領導人思想路線上走;
not understand again, who is 地主? which post
8,今天是勞動節 - 為應節日,地主要做點動作做樣一下;
not understand again
9,原文所述之事而過時 - 不應拿出來提起,回文更會延長其週期;
glad you get your message in our forum, but we can't fully understand your message
first of all, you put your massage in 吹水區, if you would like to complain or give us comment, you should put it on "意見投訴" zone
on the other hand, please provide related link to us about your complain/comments, in fact we don't know your story,
you may know there are over 300 message in our forum everyday, we can't see all post
we deeply hope that you can advise link, then we can follow up
HKTTF is not the best, always dark as you said.
do you know why we always call our forum to DARK Forum, if you don't know it, we suggest you to hear 乒乓達人, then you may find the answer
we got over 20-30pm everyday, we also delete many post everyday, we really no time, no ability to explain reasons for all our action.
we admit that we are not always right, we did a lot , so we did a lot incorrect action, abut our direction is correct, we would like to do better. this is our direction
once again, thank you so much for your comments, although we always say we are DRAK, but in fact 在黑暗中其实是有光明
if you can provide most of link to us, then we will try our best to answer most of your questions.
remember, don't write another forum, otherwise you will like me , can't sleep until 2:00-3:00am
just stupid guy to write table tennis forum, you are smart, don't do it which is meaningless
finally, welcome to call me (pls whatsapp me before calling me, since i'm not always available)
thank you for your attention, support, complain or comments,